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Tell your Story

„1000 Tage eines Sommers“

...soll die Geschichten von 1000 Menschen aus dem Donbass und den Krisengebieten der Ukraine erzählen. Es soll das Sprachrohr für die Menschen werden und ihre ganz persönliche Geschichte, ihre Eindrücke, ihre Gefühle in dieser Zeit dem Rest der Welt vermitteln. Die Medien haben sich fast ausschließlich auf die Seite des Unrechtssystems gestellt und ignorieren das Leid der Menschen im Südosten der Ukraine. Deshalb möchte ich mit diesen Projekt eine Brücke bauen. Eine Brücke von der Welt direkt zu den Menschen in den Kriegsgebieten der Ukraine. Alle Geschichten werde ich hier nach und nach veröffentlichen.

1000 Days Of a Summer – The Project

„1000 days of a summer“ is meant to tell the stories of 1000 people of Ukraine’s region of Donbas, who suddenly found themselves in the middle of a war.

A war that is led by their own government against them. Every day people are dying. Friends and family are leaving the cities. Those who were able to afford it, had already left a while ago. Businesses are shutting down and people are losing their jobs. Groceries and medical supplies are getting scarcer and every day is filled with the fear that the attacks of the army could destroy their possessions and belongings.

Nothing is the way that it has been. A whole region of a country has been traumatized in just a moment of time. Innocent people are dying and the ones that are able to stop this are just watching and are not taking any action.

„1000 days of a summer“ is meant to become the mouthpiece for the people of the Donbas region. During these difficult times this project is meant to communicate to the world the peoples own personal stories, their impressions and their feelings.   The media has almost entirely taken the sides of the unjust ruling government and are ignoring the suffering of the people. A humanitarian corridor is not being considered as necessary. All of this is a scandal!

My intention with this project is to build a bridge. A bridge from the rest of the world directly to the people of Donbas. This project is meant to be the megaphone for all the people in the Donbas region that want to tell their very own personal story to the rest of the world.

The war has a thousand different faces and every single fate is worthy to be told. The world must know the truth and must find out that there are not only economical and political aspects to a war, but that even more importantly tragic personal stories are what wars are made of.

Dear people of the Donbas region, please tell the world your own personal stories of this war, so that the world will find out what this war is truly about.

Write everything down that’s in your soul and on your mind and send your story to me. You can also send photos of yourselves or of whatever you want to share with the world. I will translate the stories into German and English and will release and publish the stories gradually in a blog that has especially been created for his. Eventually the content of these stories might very well be able to fill 2 books. If this project will go this far and there really will be books published, the proceeds of these books will be donated to a fund that is committed to rebuild and help the Donbas region. Money will go directly to the people that are in need and require help.

When it will quiet down in the Donbas region, I will be on my way and would very much like to visit some of you to find out how you are coping how your life has been going. I would like to document and report about this. Again, all proceeds made from my reporting will also go directly to you.

Actually, this project is meant to become your project. It is meant to help to spread the truth and at the same time all the money that will be made by this shall be helping you for your future. 

Please spread this message, so that it will reach as many people as possible and it will give them the possibility to write down as much as they can and get it off from their minds and souls. Please send the stories to the e-mail addresses listed below. Help each other and especially the people that don’t have access to a computer. Take photos or scan their stories and send them to me. You can decide for yourself if you want your name published or if you want to stay anonymous. There is also the possibility of just publishing your first name and naming the city that you are from.

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